Mallori Hoover RN, BSN, IBCLC & Erin Parrish RN, BSN, IBCLC
Latch Makers was created out of love for moms and breastfeeding. We want to walk alongside moms for all stages of breastfeeding to support and empower them to comfortably and confidently feed their babies in whatever method they choose. We believe that all moms should have access to affordable lactation services. To accomplish this we have partnered with The Lactation Network to file insurance with most major insurance providers and have affordable rates for those who do not qualify for insurance coverage.

Mallori Hoover has been an IBCLC since 2017. She found her love of breastfeeding and helping moms through her experience in labor and delivery and pediatrics as well as through her experience breastfeeding her 4 babies. She has experience helping moms establish breastfeeding after delivery and helping moms become comfortable overcoming the obstacles they encounter.

Erin Parrish, also an IBCLC, found her love of helping moms as a nurse. She spent 10 years caring for infants and children as a pediatric nurse and spent much of that time assisting moms to overcome problems with breastfeeding. She also breastfed her 4 babies, including a set of twins. From that experience, she gained an appreciation and a passion for providing moms breastfeeding support in all circumstances especially for moms of multiples. ​
How We Can Help
Preparation is the key to success in any endeavor and breastfeeding is no different. Research has proven that when breastfeeding parents enlist the help of a lactation specialist they are more confident and empowered to make decisions that are best for their families and lifestyles, are better prepared to handle problems or difficulties as they arise, and typically breastfeed longer. We, at Latch Makers, want to ensure that all our clients are set up for success and have all the tools needed to face the challenges that breastfeeding can bring and have a support system in place to reach out for help when they need it.
Painful latch
Slow weight gain
Breastfeeding multiples
Tongue ties
Cluster feeding
Sleepy eaters
Pumping schedules and fittings
Return to work plans